happy birthday to michelle and hwee san~!!
michelle's and hwee san's birthday today.
so went to seoul garden after our bridging programme
with michelle hwee san vivian mabel jiayin and yiting(:
reached dere first and started eating
den htoo vivien and samantha joined us..
followed by leong bing
so we sat at 2 diff tables
me michelle hwee san vivian mabel vivien and samantha sat at 1 table
&jiayin yiting leong bing and htoo sat at the table bside.
i ate my mee fen at seoul garden again((:
&my tt laopo pushed my hand when i wan to put the mee fen into the soup
and the mee fen dropped.
the ice cream dere is nice laa
th chocolate chip(:
&laopo ate the ice cream ate until like vry happy sia
den went to breadtalk wif laopo to buy 1 small cake for hwee san
and we sang happy birhtday song for michelle and hwee san
their cakes(:
&tis is the inside of hwee san's cake
walked around aft they finished their cake
and went hm.