Last day of work was on Sunday! Was super tired after those four days of work.
And the worse thing was, before i even managed to earn and get any money, i already started spending them on cab fares, plasters etc during the working days.
This was how my foot was like after wearing heels on the first day.
Damn damn damn pain okay~
Got to buy those bigger plasters for it.
But of course it's much better now. Not as pain and serious as before :D
Anyway, it's Vivian's birthday today. (:
Did her birthday card all the way till 3am last night. Continued with it today morning.
Went over to her house for dinner and celebrated her birthday.
Most photos are with Michelle once again. Shall upload everything after getting them from her.
And and and, SORRY DBSE! For not joining you guys tomorrow again.
Freaking tired and lazy to go Orchard.