FINALLY returned Vivian her bbt disc on Thurs.
Meet up with her after sch to lend her laptop, & I bought bubble tea for her!
Chatted for quite a while before going home (:

Had Comm Skills test on Sat.
Got to finish up 3 sections in one and a half hours. Omg. o.o
Did proj after that, but we ended up playing facebook. LOL
Went off to meet Mabel and Sabrina after that.
&yes, Michelle was late AGAIN. She seemed to take millions of years to travel from Bedok to Tamp.
Shopped for Vivian's brother's present, meet up with Vivian and her sisters, and headed to her house next.
Hwee san came over too (:
Had dinner and stuffs. (I love Auntie's nuggets :DDD)
Most photos are with Mabel and Michelle.

Went to Malaysia in the morning today. Celebrated my Grandfather's birthday (:
& I missed the NDP just now! Was lying on the sofa watching, and i dozed off. Omg.
But nevermind, I managed to watch abit at the end ;D
And and and, Dear went Malaysia too yesterday. ):