Handed in our RHT project and did POM presentation last week(Mon starting with 20th Aug).
POM presentation was kind of fun. Hahahs.
Cheers to our group! :D
Meet Vivian for dinner last Friday too.
Ended up eating fries at Mac. &Fiona and her friend came to look for us(:

This week(Mon starting with 26th Aug) was seriously busy.
SPSS test on Mon, Comm Skills trial presentation on Tues, IntroHT test and MacroEcons presentation on Wed, and Comm Skills mock test on Thurs.
Omg. I almost died of stress.
Slept at 2+/3am for most of the nights, and my eyes were like half-open the next day.
Meet Vivian, Mabel, Hwee San and Sabrina yesterday.
Accompanied Hwee San to buy her formal wear (:
Went Aizhen's house for FB project today.
Tmr's the deadline, at 9am. So got to reach school earlier o.o
But life feels so wonderful with most of the projects done!
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